Friday, February 29, 2008

Sea Moods Scarf

This is a scarf that I have just made for a friend's birthday. She lives on the Great Ocean Road at Warrnambool - which is the most beautiful coastline in Victoria - and I wanted to create something that would reflect some of the moods of the ocean that you see along the road.

I used my Ashford knitting loom and a range of commercial fibres. The reed is 7.5dpi and I used the full width of the loom which allows a finished width of about 25cm or 10ins. Overall dimensions for this scarf are 1280cm or 4ft 2ins length with an additional 150cms/6ins of fringe each end and 25cms/10ins in width. The warp is a white cotton and acrylic mix with lots of slubby bits which I thought might enhance the range of blue and grays I wanted to use. It worked well to tone down some of the dark colours and added the appearance of white caps on top of waves to the overall effect. The weft was composed of blocks of colours and textures and fibres to better reflect the constantly changing moods of the ocean. The colours range from a bright cerulean blue to a deep almost black blue gray. The textures include feather and eyelash yarn, soft cotton ribbon yarn and thick chunky chenille.

This was a very quick scarf to make, the planning process and deciding on the yarns took nearly as long!!!! I'm very happy with finished product and the next project for the loom is a earth and sea vest so we'll see how that turns out.

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